Steel Horse, a safety shoes made from locally sourced material. Durable, comfortable yet stylish for your all in one safety shoes.

Pilihan Sepatu Safety Terbaik untuk Setiap Kebutuhan Kerja Anda

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  • Pilihan Sepatu Safety Terbaik untuk Setiap Kebutuhan Kerja Anda
Produk Rekomendasi

Satu Merek Untuk Memenuhi Semua Kebutuhan Anda.

Hotels/ Kitchen / Office & Warehouse

Hotels/ Kitchen / Office & Warehouse

Recommendable type : 9133,9136,9138,9239 | Ankle length , Lighter movement , Composite protective toe cap included

Construction Site

Construction Site

Recommendable type : 9368, 9379, 9388 | Mid length , Comfortable to move around, Protective Steel Toe Cap included

Upper Management/ Project Manager

Upper Management/ Project Manager

Recommendable type : 9590, 9591 (PDL), 9130, 9367,9360 | Knee High Length , Stylish yet providing total protection for your site visit

Mining/ Oil & Gas Industry

Mining/ Oil & Gas Industry

Recommendable type : 9599C, 9599H, 9600 | Knee High length , Maximum protection, Anti slip & corrosion resistant

Fashion/ Outdoor / Hiking Boots

Fashion/ Outdoor / Hiking Boots

Recommendable type : Mindy, Oliver, Brooklyn | Ankle length , Fashion statement piece, Stylish, safe and comfirtable

Hotels/ Kitchen / Office & Warehouse

Hotels/ Kitchen / Office & Warehouse

Recommendable type : 9133,9136,9138,9239 | Ankle length , Lighter movement , Composite protective toe cap included

Construction Site

Construction Site

Recommendable type : 9368, 9379, 9388 | Mid length , Comfortable to move around, Protective Steel Toe Cap included

Upper Management/ Project Manager

Upper Management/ Project Manager

Recommendable type : 9590, 9591 (PDL), 9130, 9367,9360 | Knee High Length , Stylish yet providing total protection for your site visit

Mining/ Oil & Gas Industry

Mining/ Oil & Gas Industry

Recommendable type : 9599C, 9599H, 9600 | Knee High length , Maximum protection, Anti slip & corrosion resistant

Fashion/ Outdoor / Hiking Boots

Fashion/ Outdoor / Hiking Boots

Recommendable type : Mindy, Oliver, Brooklyn | Ankle length , Fashion statement piece, Stylish, safe and comfirtable


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